
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Statement Evidence Elaboration
1)Enraged, furious fustrated Pun
“Them again on a quarry of knowledge”
“I am sick”
“I will not” “Quarry” suggests the the persona is a predator and has vast knowledge and “sick” suggest the the persona is sick and tired of the students sloppy work. “will” suggest the she has no desire to continue marking the students work.
“fuel of my life to heap upon my soul”
“My pack of unruly hounds”
“several insults of blotted pages” “Fuel” refers to the energy the teacher has left which is very little, which shows the persona is tired. “Hounds” suggest that the students are like dogs, who are very restless and unruly and do not pay attention to the persona. “Insults” suggest that the work of the students are so horrible and poorly done as well as poorly written that the persona feels that the students are insulting her intelligence.
“Apart…start…hate to hunt”
“Of the books…of several insults…of slovenly work”
“take the toll” “Apart…start…hate to hunt”
tells us the that the student do not like to learn and even when the teacher tries o get them learning they continue not paying attention. “Of the books…of several insults…of slovenly work” shows that the student’s work is very sloppy and the persona feels that their work are insults towards her. “take the toll” tells us that the teacher has no choice but to mark the students work as she is their teacher and will need to take on this task.
The alliteration gives the emphasis on the teacher being forced to teach the students and also shows her anger towards the student’s attitude and work.
2)Anger “I am sick” The persona uses the word sick to show that she is tred of marking the students sloppy work and is also disgusted by her students work. This shows her anger as after ll the effort the teacher is putting in, this is the kind of work her students are giving her.
“I will not” The persona has no more will to mark anymore of her students work as it is not well done and she does not want to waste anymore of her energy and time on such work. She also has no more desire to mark any more work as she knows the work are all the same scrawls and thus she has no will to mark any more.

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